Monday, January 17, 2011

Schizophrenia and A Beautiful Mind

Maladaptive: Going to the campus all the time to work on math problems and also his smoking habit

Atypical: Seeing people that are not there

Disturbing: Almost drowned his son in the tub, because he though someone was watching him.

Unjustifable: Trying to keep his family together was hard to do because of his sickness

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


When Mr. Verboomen came to talk to us about bullying issues in our school, I wasnt really surprised about it because I see alot of it going on. Even if it someone knocking someone elses books over or pushing people out of the way bullying is in our school. it seems like people in this school have very little manners. I usually don't pay enough attention, but when I do see someone who got their books knocked over I help them.

Dreams and Latent Content

Dream 1: When I was younger one of my reoccuring dreams was being chased by a little fuzzy guy with legs on a ship that looked like it was floating in the air.

Dream 2:  Another dream I used to have all the time was standing in the middle of a random field and my parents would be standing next to me and they would make me wait for this one farmer guy and he would be driving a truck with a trailer full of trantulas. the spiders would be dumped out then my dream would end.

Dream 3: Also, another dream that I recently had was about me being chased through doors by a bear and my ex-boyfriend, but it was every other door was the bear and then my ex, like they were taking turns chasing me.

Meaning of Dream 1: Being chased in your dreams means that you are more willing to run away and hide from your problems rather than confront them.

Meaning of Dream 2: My fear of spiders are also in my dreams, because its what im afraid of in reality.

Meaning of Dream 3: Also, means that in reality I would run away from my fears rather that confront them.

Little Albert

Did the results of Watson and Rayner's experiment support their hypothesis's? Explain.
     -Watson and Rayner's result of their experiment supported their hypothesis by showing that Little Albert
        was frightened by the sight of the same object they had showed him before because they would make a
         frightening sould that would scare him every time they showed that object.

How did Albert's respond become gerneralized?
   - Albert's respond became generalized by showing him white furry objects but he showed no fear towars dissimilar toys.

How were the principles of classical conditioning used to reduce Peter's fear of rabbits?
   - Jones helped peter get over his fear of rabbits by pairing the sight of rabbits with a pleasent experience's like eating ice cream or getting special attention.